
Developmental Wonders
There is nothing more wonderful than bringing home your new baby. Yet, with this excitement there is often an overwhelming sense, of "Now What?". As all of us know, along with this amazing child also comes endless questions with no "tried and true" instruction manual to help. There are hundreds of books and websites. And of course, our family and friends are always eager to provide advice; but this often only adds to the confusion of what's best for your baby. Each baby is a unique individual and deserves customized support. Child development is a wonder in itself. To watch our babies grow from newborns to infants to toddlers and then to children is nothing but truly miraculous. Therefore, Stephanie Puryear, OTR/L, the founder of Sensory Steps, Inc., with over a decade of specialized developmental expertise, specifically for children ages birth to three; and early childhood, ages three to five; has created Developmental Wonders.

Developmental Wonders is a tailored developmental parent and baby/toddler playgroup that meets weekly to provide support, guidance, and developmental tips for the specific stages that you and your child are emerged in. Meet with other parents and their children in similar age groups and develop lifelong bonds while having a safe and secure place to answer your questions, provide your baby with opportunities to grow and develop, and receive consistent expert developmental unbiased and educated advice as you navigate through the wondrous developmental stages with you child.

These groups are for families who have a baby, ages 8 weeks to 12 months. Families with twins or triplets are welcome.  The group is for mom or dad, and baby.  Only one parent attends at a time, and due to the nature and need for consistency in the group it is important it is the same caregiver for each session as much as possible.  Unfortunately, older siblings are not permitted to attend.  The reason for this is that baby group is your opportunity to bond with your baby, discuss and learn about important topics, and hopefully form friendships.  When a sibling attends there are risks of distractions and bringing in additional germs.  We will do our best to provide complimentary babysitting services on location.

The group will meet one time per week for 75 minutes with a focus on parent/child topics, discussion, and "baby floor time" led by a child development specialist.  A session length averages 8-10 weeks.

The groups are structured by baby's date of birth (DOB), and there will be 8-10 babies per class.  The babies' DOB's will range from 4-10 weeks to best meet their overall needs in the group.

Each week a new topic will explored.  Some topic examples may include: your baby's temperament, sleep, how to talk to your baby, the importance of developing a routine, floor time activities, why tummy time is so important, toy recommendations, what to expect in terms of your babies overall needs, how to choose a babysitter/nanny, balancing work and parenting, etc.

**The mission of Sensory Steps Inc. is for each family that has attended Developmental Wonders Baby Group to leave feeling that they have found a place of support, made friendships, learned helpful information, and gained useful tips and resources.**

The toddler groups are for families who have a toddler, ages 12 to 24 months. Again, families with twins or triples are welcome. The group is for mom or dad, and toddler(s).  Only one parent attends at at time, and this is for group consistency.  Unfortunately, older siblings are not permitted to attend.  The reason for this is that tot group is your opportunity to bond with your toddler, discuss and learn about important topics, and hopefully form friendships.  When a sibling attends there are risks of distractions and bringing in additional germs.  We will do our best to provide complimentary babysitting services on location.

The group will meet once a week for 75 minutes with a focus on parent/child topics, discussion, and toddler exploration time.  The groups are structured by the child's DOB, and there will be 10-12 toddlers per group.  The session length will range from 8-10 weeks. The groups will be arranged so that the toddlers will close in age range, between 10-12 weeks apart, to best meet coverall needs, etc.

*The mission of Sensory Steps Inc. is for each family that has attended Developmental Wonders Toddler Group to leave feeling that they have found a place of support, made friendships, learned helpful information, and gained useful tips and resources.*

Currently, Due to Scheduling, Development Baby and Toddler Groups are On Hold Until Further Notice.